opening Azam Masoumzadeh: Glad that I came, not sorry to depart

Please join us for a night of Persian poetry, alternate realities and red wine. We are celebrating the installation of the new and cosy exhibition – Glad That I Came, Not Sorry To Depart by Azam Masoumzadeh – in our annex(e) with a festive and multilingual poetry reading. Four voices will read from a selection of poems by the 11th century poet and scientist Omar Khayyam. Accompanied by the sitar, they’ll gradually introduce you to the pleasant and relaxing world captured by Azam’s virtual reality installation.
Nazanin Yalda: French
Azam Masoumzadeh: English
Niels Poiz: Dutch
Azam Masoumzadeh: Farsi
& Nazanin Yalda on the sitar (Iranian string instrument)
Food will be provided by Iranian filmmaker Roya Keshavarz and all proceeds of the catering will go to a local charity supporting patients diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.
Free entrance