Video Bar: Bie Michels

Video Bar is ARGOS’s monthly screening-format in which new and old work from our collection is introduced. Through a conversational format that emphasizes the collective viewing experience of artist film and video, we facilitate novel exchanges about the selected works, be it engaged, personal, and/or informed, while linking them to current developments in contemporary audiovisual arts.
Our third Video Bar screening presents artist Bie Michels's recent film (Pas) Mon Pays (2019), as well as two films from the ARGOS collection she selected: Vincent Meessen's The Invisible Parliament (2006) and Luc Gobbyn's Leopold II - Oostende (2009). Don't miss out on this unique discursive film event, which invites a reflection on the future of the postcolonial state of Belgium.
Due to limited seating, reservation is mandatory. You can book a total of 2 seats: here.