16.06.24 — 17:30—23:00
Location: argos

COLLECTIVE GATHERING FOR PALESTINE: Argos x Disarming Design from Palestine x United Screens for Palestine

Collective gathering for Palestine

On Sunday 16th of June, argos is partnering with Disarming Design from Palestine and United Screens for Palestine for an evening of collective gathering around poems, films and food in support of Palestine.

The evening will start with a collective reading session led by Sulaiman Saleh, researcher and coordinator for Disarming Design. Together with him, you will be invited to read a selection of texts from Palestinian writers and poets. This will be followed by a series of film screenings from Palestinian filmmakers curated by United Screens for Palestine.

We will then gather around a large table to share a meal, where you will be free to continue the conversations around the texts and the films. We invite you to bring a dish to share: some food and snacks will be provided, but we encourage you to participate in creating a moment of solidarity.

The products from Disarming Design will be available for purchase.

Entry price for the event will be based on pay what you can donations that will go to the Medical Aid for Palestinians.

The reading session will be led in Arabic and English.

5:30 - doors open
6:00 - collective reading session led by Sulaiman Saleh
7:00 - first screening
7:30 - second screening
8:00 - Q&A
8:30 - Collective dinner
11:00 - closing

Disarming Design From Palestine
Dis­ar­ming Design from Pales­ti­ne (DDFP) is an inde­pen­dent non-pro­fit plat­form. It per­forms as a design label and fos­ters thought-pro­vo­king and dis­ar­ming designs from Pales­ti­ne. With a focus on arti­sanal pro­ducts cre­a­ted in con­scious and inte­gra­ted ways, the items speak of the rea­li­ty they are manu­fac­tu­red in. Often root­ed in a sto­ry or inci­dent encoun­te­red in day-to-day life across occu­pied Pales­ti­ne, the designs per­form as cul­tu­ral objects and con­ver­sa­ti­on star­ters in homes, exhi­bi­ti­ons, sym­po­sia, aca­de­mia, media and other pla­ces of learning.

United Screens for Palestine
United Screens for Palestine is an open and decentralised collective of programmers, cultural workers and venues. They are responding to the paralysis brought about by the ongoing genocide as well as the increasing policing, censorship and criminalisation of everything Palestinian. They aim to make each screening a space for conversation, learning and most of all, mobilisation. They firmly believe that to present these films is to insist that witnessing is an active process, far beyond the act of watching. Ultimately, they build on long standing global film initiatives which serve as platforms for substantive discussions and an earnest exploration of the historical narrative of Palestine.