Location: International Film Festival Rotterdam IFFR

IFFR - International Film Festival Rotterdam 2012

Copyright artist(s) and courtesy argos

This year, Argos participates with different screenings to the 41th Edition of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. We present Moving Stories by Nicolas Provost, who won the Rotterdam’s Tiger Prize last year with his international acclaimed Stardust, in the IFFR shorts section of the International Competition. As member of the distributors collective DINAMO, Argos will screen Sarah Vanagt’s The Corridor and Pieter Geenen’s Relocation on Argos Slot in the Professionals & Industry sessions, meant for international distributors to promote their new works. Last, but not least, Erik Bünger’s God Moves on the Water is presented in the jointly curated program Sound Bites.

Erik Bünger - God Moves on the Water
2008, 3’14", colour, English spoken and subtitles.
Pieter Geenen - Relocation
2011, 23’20", colour, sound, English running text.
Nicolas Provost - Moving Stories
2011, 7’15", colour, sound, English spoken.
Sarah Vanagt - The Corridor
2011, 6’45", colour, sound, English spoken and subtitles.

Rotterdam, Netherlands