Inge Coolsaet, communications

- Jóhann Jóhannsson - Last and first men
My Letterboxd blurb could have been : a mash up (and upgrade) of two popular lockdown activities. The strangely soothing voice of Adriene from Yoga with Adriene becomes the strangely soothing voice of Tilda Swinton from euh ... outer-space. And the cheap, a dime a dozen SF films from Netflix become this posthumous directorial debut by the Icelandic music composer.
- Chloé Galibert-Laîné and Kevin B. Lee - Bottled Songs 1 to 4
I watched these videos in 2020 but they lingered so long after watching that I feel they deserve a spot on this list. They're part of an ongoing series anyway. Desktop documentary meets fake news meets audiovisual correspondence meets ...
- Sarra El Abed - Y’a pas d’heure pour les femmes
A Tunisian hair salon becomes a vector for social cohesion, inclusion and critical thought, though opinions aren't always aligned. The personal and the political intertwine with every stroke of the hair brush, joy and resistance grow as rapidly as the clicking of the scissors. Mirrors do what they do best, and reflect desires, dreams, anxieties and conflict.
- COVID-fueled conversations
conversational atrocities that suck all the oxygen out of the room
- The Holiday (2006)
*someone* made me watch The Holiday (2006). I have so many questions.
After only vaguely asking permission to mention her in this list: my partner. She has many skills and talents and making people laugh is one I hold dear. It’s really quite a feat, considering she only knows one joke.