The first part of a ‘suite’ of three video letters, from the viewpoint of three prostitutes who write to their mother. They take stock of their lives, report on their experiences, look for answers to the question of who is responsible, who decides, who educates. The concrete walls the women erected around them are beginning to show tears, the feelings of disappointment and bitterness make way to acquiescence and forgiveness. The static camera viewpoint and the simple text performance result in a sober confrontation of image and text, a residue of life traces, to the rhythm of the trains hurtling by, clearly visible from the window.

  • Format miniDV(miniDV)
  • Color system PAL
  • Color col.
  • Year 2005
  • Duration 00:02:51
  • Languageinfo
    Subtitles: French, Dutch/ Flemish
    Spoken: French
  • Artists