In the film installation "The Musical Chair" we see a chair being attacked by three dogs. The dogs compete with each other to gain possession of it. Eventually the fight results in the destruction of the chair. Each part gives a specific view on this event.

PART I: In this part we only see one dog wich constantly barks at a chair that stands in te middle of the space. The dog seems to get more and more angry with the chair.

PART II: In this part two other dogs join the scene and a fight breaks out over the chair. The fight continues until the chair is totally splintered.

PART III: In this part we no longer see a chair. We only see its remains chattered on the floor. By lack of a common loot, the game is over. We see some last convulsions of the battle, but the dogs are to exhausted to continue fighting.

  • Color system PAL
  • Color b&w
  • Year 2007
  • Artists