In the work of Ria Pacquée the relative and the existential converge. She records her presence and that of others in this world, using photography and recently video, like traces of social archaeology. Pacquée begins with the premise that life doesn’t necessarily revolve around knowing and grasping, but that everything starts with breathing and a longing for otherness. During a residence in Paris she observed the people in a park for days on end. Always alone, even when in a group, interchangeable, faceless and genderless. They do not speak, yet seem to communicate. Their gaze is not focused on anything in particular, yet each of them seems to be keeping to a clear trajectory; focused, with precise and repetitive movements. It is almost as if they are not from this world, both present and absent. Unconsciously their movements become those of the observer as well. In the end it seems as if she has become one with them : immobile, staring... Just like us.