An infinite number of buildings have featured in films as the background to the plot. But what happens when the building itself becomes the protagonist and thus the very reason for the film? ’2½ dimensional: films featuring architecture’ questions the status of the observer (the camera) and what is observed (the building) at the point where narration and visualisation meet. This exhibition shows films by a wide range of artists in which architecture not only plays a part, but itself becomes film as a result of explicit spatial explorations. In this way, the viewer suddenly becomes aware of the two-dimensional cinematic and three-dimensional architectural space: the ’two-and-a-half-dimensional overlap’! Just as in previous group exhibitions at deSingel -- ’Another & another & another act of seeing urban space’ (1997), ’Urban Dramas’ (2003) and ’The Wrong House’ (2007) - a range of artists here too examines the coexistence of artistic and architectural production. This time the focus is on the cinema. The architectural typologies range from a simple hut to a radiant icon, from a ruin to a utopian project.
