With a passion for applied geography, visual artist Till Roeskens belongs to the family of explorers. His work evolves out of his discovery of a given territory and those who are trying to draw their own paths through it. What he brings back from his wanderings, whether in the form of a book, a video, a slide show, a lecture or other media, is never meant to be a simple report, but rather an invitation to exercice one’s own perception, an open question about what we are able to seize from the infinite complexity of the world. His ‘attempts to find his bearings’ are made with a constant concern for reaching an uninformed audience, sometimes transforming them into co-authors of the work.

Vidéocartographies: Aïda, Palestine, Till Roeskens, 2009 © the artist & producerVidéocartographies: Aïda, Palestine, Till Roeskens, 2009 © the artist & producerVidéocartographies: Aïda, Palestine, Till Roeskens, 2009 © the artist & producer